DAUGHTERS ZION

The woman is the mother of the man, no doubt. She is as pivotal to spirituality and expansion of Christianity in the same way as she is to the family. In the Salvation Empowerment Sanctuary, we give the woman the responsibility of shaping and stabilizing the Church basing themselves on biblical knowledge and principles. Most men go astray because they lack women to give them a sense of direction and support. We make sure women who are spiritual, and Bible based contribute to the growth and stability of the Church. They have the laxity to determine what form their activities take with the endorsement of the Church leadership. Some of their activities include but are not limited to regular meetings and sharing social and godly ideas, organizing goatmeat BBQs, seminars and workshops, advising men about women and children


The man is no doubt the father of the woman so would do well to share knowledge and experiences with women. The men of the Salvation Empowerment Sanctuary meet regularly to discuss family, schooling, business, and professional matters. For instance, what some couples experience and divorce, other couples have the same and even worse experiences but choose to live together. That people divorce and remarry shortly after is proof that the devil seeks to break marriages at any cost. Men of valor discuss spiritual ways to stay happy in marriage. This happens with the help of the Holy Spirit. 


Because every adult was once a child, and considering that the child is the future adult, the importance of children in our communities and nations cannot be over emphasized. A well brought up child in the way of the Lord, no doubt is a treasure to the parents and community alike. We pay much attention to children for they are the foundation of the Church and humanity. The SALVATION EMPOWERMENT SANCTUARY has a full Children’s ministry as a component of the Church. Here, the kids learn basic concepts of Christian and social life pertaining to their age group. These includes games, quizzing, questions and answers, dramatizing, learning Bible verses and watching Christian movies


The Salvation Empowerment Sanctuary believes in carrying the gospel to all nations (Matt.28:19; Mark 16:15-16). Thinking globally, Africa, Europe, and India stick out quickly because of their socio economic and religious backgrounds. These third world countries need Bibles, devotional books as well as clothes, food, and other life necessities. If “a hungry man is an angry man”, then carrying Bibles to angry people would aggravate their anger. We will send missionaries abroad occasionally with the above help for the Christians in need. In Summer of 2021, we intend to send another contingent of missionaries to Africa to minister to the people. It would be great if you, reading this join us in the dream of putting a smile on the faces of widows and orphans and needy pastors and ministers. If you would like to travel with us, do well to contact us ahead of time.


We seek to win souls for Jesus anywhere anytime! This is a very difficult task which only Jesus can help us succeed in. We understand that this daunting task of evangelism and discipleship cannot be handled by one person or ministry alone. For that reason, we have as additional vision to financially aid other Church planters and Evangelists home and abroad. This will be determined by how much our finances allow. We intend to make yearly grants available for any willing ministers to apply. The more donations we receive, the more ministries we can help. This is crucial to the us because our main goal is SALVATION for souls wherever they may be (not necessarily in the Salvation Empowerment Sanctuary).